The final installment of the Druzy Glory Collection consists of chain necklaces with various metals and beads to accentuate the background of a solid-colored shirt. Now, I'm no stylist, so he/she would know best what my jewelry would go with. The eclectic nature of it suggests that there are loosely-guided rules on this subject (smile).... Anyways, I hope you find my necklaces and matching bracelets interesting. I'm trying to incorporate an aesthetic that seeks to fulfill the needs of people of all different tastes and feel. In this, I think I achieved that. I have many more ideas for the Spring Collection and can not wait to start creating them! But one or two more may mark the end of this collection. The latest include the Annecy Necklace, the Tuscany and the Zurich necklace. Each has a matching earring, or bracelet.